Scholar Spotlights

Learn about current and past international scholars and the work they are doing at UC Santa Cruz.

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From the Basque region of Spain, Ines Erkizia-Santamaria comes to UC Santa Cruz with an appetite for neuropsychopharmacology research. Home Institution: Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU (University of the Basque Country) Field: Neuropsychopharmacology UCSC Faculty Sponsor: Professor Yi Zuo In our conversation, we learn about Ines’ research and interest in UCSC. GE: Please share a brief overview of the field […]
Person standing in a research lab
Originally from Honduras, and currently working on a PhD in Spain, Karla Reyes comes to UC Santa Cruz focused on advancing technology used for the rehabilitation of the blind. Home Institution: Center for Biomedical Technology at the Technical University of Madrid Field: Biomedical engineering, assistive technology UCSC Faculty Sponsor: Professor Roberto Manduchi In our conversation, we learn about […]
Person standing in a research lab
A postdoc scholar at UCSC’s Institute of Marine Sciences, Tommy Clay is a marine ecologist based at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Southwest Fisheries Science Center in Monterey who is primarily interested in marine predator species like whales, dolphins, and seabirds. In particular, he studies their movements, feeding habits, and the threats they […]
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Nerea Lezama-Ochoa is a marine biologist from the Basque Country (Spain), working as a UCSC postdoc at the Environmental Research Division (ERD), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Monterey. Her team is producing daily projections from 1980-2100 for 10 highly migratory species (leatherback turtle, blue shark, common thresher shark, shortfin mako shark, humpback whale, […]
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Andrea Carafa serves as Director of the Blackstone Launchpad powered by Techstars and as Rachel Carson College Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He is a member of the UC Office of the President’s Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiative which enables the UC system to continue creating bold solutions […]
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Chiara Collamati is an Italian political philosophy researcher holding a double PhD from the University of Padova (Italy) and University of Toulouse II Jean Jaurès (France). Collamati comes to UC Santa Cruz with three-year funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under the highly prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship. UC Santa […]
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Born in Israel and raised in Toronto, Canada, Dr. Jeff Dror comes to the Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (SCIPP) at UC Santa Cruz by way of UC Berkeley where he held a postdoc position after completing his PhD at Cornell University. Dror first discovered a passion for physics during his undergrad in Toronto. As he began his […]
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Eduardo Polo Muro comes to UC Santa Cruz from The University of the Basque Country in Spain where he’s working on his PhD. While he’s at UC Santa Cruz, he conducts research related to his PhD program. The Great Recession in Spain heavily influenced Muro’s field of focus as he became interested in how indicators […]
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Claudio Campagna is an international scholar from the Wildlife Conservation Society in Argentina with a long history of repeated scholarly visits and research collaboration at UC Santa Cruz. His affiliation with UCSC began as a graduate student in the 1980s and now, as an adjunct professor for the Institute of Marine Sciences in Ecology & […]
Faculty and staff standing together
Oskar Elek, an international scholar, started as a postdoctoral researcher at UC Santa Cruz in the winter of 2019. Elek is a computational media researcher in assistant professor Angus Forbes’ Creative Coding lab. UC Santa Cruz Creative Coding is a team of interdisciplinary researchers and artists affiliated with the Computational Media department on campus with […]
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Last modified: Aug 27, 2024