Changes to H-1B Employment

Changing Employer

  • H-1B employment is employer, location, and position-specific.
  • An H-1B employee who has H-1B status from one employer may not work for another employer unless the second employer has filed their own Form I-129 H-1B petition on behalf of the employee (concurrent employment or change of employer).
  • Since there is no real ‘grace period’ in H-1B status, the employee should not resign from his or her position until the new employer’s H-1B petition has been filed and receipted.

Changes in UCSC Employment 

  • Ask the hiring department to notify IFSS in advance of any material changes to your employment, including department, job title, duties, hours, salary, work location, and/or leaving your employment early. IFSS will review the situation to determine if filing an amended petition is necessary.

Receiving Outside Payments

H-1B employees may receive payments or reimbursements for travel expenses associated with occasional speeches, lectures, conferences, or consultations at other institutions, if these activities are incidental to H-1B employment. However, you cannot be paid an honorarium, wage, salary, and may not derive monetary or material gain from these activities. Please contact IFSS if you have any questions.

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