Amend J-1 Exchange Visitors’ Program

UCSC departments/divisions must report the following changes to ISSS during a J-1 Exchange Visitor’s program at UCSC:

  • Defer Program Dates
  • Extend Current Program End Date
  • Change of Financial Support
  • Change of Site of Activity
  • Change of Appointment Title
  • Change of Hosting Supervisor
  • Shorten Program End Date (more than 15 days earlier than the end date on DS-2019)

ISSS recommends that the update request process is started at least 2 months prior to the proposed change(s).

The following forms and supporting documents are required based on the requested amendment:

Defer Program Dates

*must be received within 30 days of the original J program start date

  • New UCSC Appointment Letter (if end date of UCSC appointment has changed)
  • J-1 Scholar Deferral and Cancellation e-form in iGlobal.

Extend Current Program End Date

Change of Financial Support

Please note that this update is only required in case of a significant change, such as a new source of funding; there is no need to report regular annual salary increases.

Change of Site of Activity

  • New UCSC Appointment Letter (if UCSC department appointment has changed)
  • J-1 Scholar Amendment Request e-form in iGlobal.
  • UCSC Faculty Letter of Support (if non-UCSC site)
    • The letter must be from the Exchange Visitor’s UCSC faculty host and include the following:
      • Dates of the activities at the new primary and/or secondary site
      • Nature of activities (e.g. collaborative research, presenting at a conference, etc.)
      • Site(s) of activity name including full address
      • How the J-1 activity will be a continuation of the UCSC department’s ongoing research projects/programs
      • If work is not at UCSC, explain official relationship between the UCSC department and the non-UCSC site of activity
      • Name and title of full-time UCSC faculty or PI who will supervise the J-1 program activity throughout the J-1 Scholar’s stay in the US while at the new site of activity
      • Funding arrangements at the new site (e.g. additional funding, continuation of current UCSC funding, etc.)

Change of Appointment Title

  • New UCSC Appointment Letter 
  • J-1 Scholar Amendment Request e-form in iGlobal.

Change of Hosting Supervisor

  • New UCSC Appointment Letter (if UCSC department appointment has changed)
  • J-1 Scholar Amendment Request e-form in iGlobal.

Shorten Program End Date

  • J-1 Scholar Amendment Request e-form in iGlobal.

Exchange Visitors should first discuss potential program changes with their hosting supervisor. Department/Division approval and signatures are needed before the amendment request form is submitted to ISSS for processing. Once a completed amendment request form is received by ISSS, please allow 7 business days for processing.

Last modified: Jun 09, 2023