Request Process for J-1 Professors, Research Scholars, Short-Term Scholars

How to Apply

The hosting UCSC department must submit a Professor or Scholar request to ISSS no less than 60 days prior to the proposed start date. ISSS will generate an immigration document, known as the DS-2019, for the Professor or Scholar to apply for a J visa and enter the U.S. Please see the steps below to invite a J-1 Professor or Scholar to UC Santa Cruz.

UCSC Host Department

  1. Department must set up and offer a UCSC appointment to incoming Professor or Scholar
  2. Submit New J-1 Scholar Request e-form through iGlobal, including UCSC Appointment Letter

Professor or Scholar

Complete and submit Exchange Visitor sections of the New J-1 Scholar Request e-form through iGlobal, including the following supporting documentation: 

  1. Copy of Passport(s)
  2. Proof of Financial Support
  3. Copy of Curriculum Vitae (in English)
  4. Copy of Diploma and English translation (bachelor’s level or higher)


ISSS will apply a recharge for J-1 sponsorship requests. Initial requests will incur a charge of $500.  Extension requests will incur a charge of $250. Both are payable via FOAPAL.

Sample Email Template to Send to Incoming J-1 Exchange Visitor

The email template below is a sample to assist UCSC departments and divisions with the Professor and Scholar invitation process.

Dear (Scholar’s Name),

Congratulations on receiving an invitation to visit the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) as a J-1 exchange visitor. The Division of _____________ will submit a DS-2019 request to International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) on your behalf so that a DS-2019 will be generated for you. Please prepare an electronic scan of the following:

  1. Copy of your passport and any J-2 dependent passport biographical pages
  2. Proof of financial support (if not funded by UCSC). Please visit the Financial Requirements section on the ISSS website for details on financial documentation requirements.
  3. Copy of curriculum vitae (in English)
  4. Copy of diploma and English translation (bachelor’s level or higher)

Once your DS-2019 is generated, you will receive an email from ISSS regarding next steps of the immigration process. You are not able to book a visa appointment or pay any associated fees until a DS-2019 is created for you.

We look forward to receiving your response and welcoming you to UCSC.


Administrative Staff Name

Contact Information

After Submission to ISSS

Upon submission of the complete DS-2019 request, please allow 7 business days for processing. Once the DS-2019 is issued, ISSS will send an email to the department and incoming Exchange Visitor with the necessary information to schedule their visa interview abroad. ISSS will mail the original DS-2019 to the incoming Exchange Visitor.

Last modified: Jun 09, 2023