The J-1 Student Intern category is available for UCSC departments to host an overseas student who is currently enrolled in and pursuing a degree at a higher education institution outside the United States. Any overseas student who has not yet been awarded an undergraduate degree must come as a J-1 Student Intern to conduct collaborative research at UCSC. Student interns may participate for up to 12 months for each degree. We recommend that the department start the application process at least 3 months prior to the desired internship start date.
The Student Intern program is designed to:
- Provide an opportunity for eligible overseas students to pursue a structured and guided internship program in their specific academic field.
- Fulfill the educational objectives for the prospective J-1 Student Intern’s current degree program at their home institution overseas.
- Increase mutual understanding between the people of the US and the people of other countries by means of educational and cultural exchanges.
Eligibility Criteria
- Currently enrolled and in good academic standing at an accredited postsecondary academic institution outside the US. (Most are pursuing the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree).
- Fulfilling educational objectives for current degree program outside the U.S.
- Able to verify English language skills sufficient to function on a day to day basis in the program.
- Primarily in the U.S. to engage in the student internship program, rather than to engage in employment or provide services to UCSC
- Return as an enrolled student in the home institution after the UCSC internship in order to “fulfill and obtain a degree.”
- Able to show sufficient funding to support the visit, including housing and living expenses.
- Able to provide proof of health insurance that meets the minimum requirements of the J-1 status and will be valid for the time spent at UCSC.
- The internship must consist of a minimum of 32 hours per week and can include no more than 20% clerical work.
- Eligible for the Visitor (Undergraduate), Jr. Specialist APO appointment titles
Internship Activities
- Cannot serve to fill a labor need.
- Must exist solely to assist the Student Intern in achieving their educational objectives.
- Must consist of work-based learning, rather than ordinary employment or unskilled labor.
- Cannot displace American workers, including full or part-time, temporary or permanent.
- Must meet all requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act.
- Must not involve in any way a staffing/employment agency.
How to Apply
The hosting UCSC department must submit a Student Intern request to ISSS no less than 60 days prior to the proposed start date. ISSS will generate two immigration documents for the Student Intern to apply for a J visa and enter the U.S., the DS-2019 and DS-7002. Please see the steps below to invite a J-1 Student Intern to UC Santa Cruz.
UCSC Host Department
- Department must set up and offer UCSC appointment to incoming Student Intern
- Complete department sections of the Student Intern Application e-form in iGlobal
- Supervisor must complete and sign DS-7002 Training Plan section of Student Intern Application e-form
- Submit Student Intern Application e-form to ISSS once Student Intern provides all necessary documents/information via the e-form
Student Intern
Complete appropriate sections of the Student Intern Application e-form, including the following supporting documents:
- Copy of Passport
- Copy of Curriculum Vitae
- Proof of Financial Support
- Approval of Student Intern Participation Form (from student intern’s home institution) – processed electronically via the e-form
Sample Email Template to Send to Incoming J-1 Student Intern
The email template below is a sample to assist UCSC departments and divisions with the Student Intern invitation process.
Dear (Student Intern’s Name),
Congratulations on receiving an invitation to visit the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) as a J-1 Student Intern. The Division of _____________ will submit a DS-2019 application packet to International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) on your behalf so that a DS-2019 and DS-7002 will be generated for you. Please prepare an electronic scan of the following:
- Copy of your passport and any J-2 dependent passport biographical pages
- Proof of financial support (if not funded by UCSC). Please visit the Funding Requirements section on the ISSS website for details on financial documentation requirements.
- Copy of curriculum vitae (in English)
You will receive an email invitation from ISSS to submit your information and documents for your Forms DS-2019 and DS-7002. ISSS will send you an email once your DS-2019 and DS-7002 are generated regarding next steps of the immigration process. You are not able to book a visa appointment or pay any associated fees until a DS-2019 is created for you.
We look forward to receiving your response and welcoming you to UCSC.
Administrative Staff Name
Contact Information
After Submission to ISSS
Upon review of the Student Intern Application e-form, ISSS will issue the final SEVIS-generated DS-7002 for the Student Intern. The final SEVIS-generated DS-7002 will be electronically signed by the UCSC host supervisor and the ISSS advisor. . The student intern will sign the hard copy of DS-7002. ISSS will also issue Form DS-2019 for the student intern. Once the DS-2019 is issued, ISSS will send an email to the department and Student Intern with the necessary information to schedule the visa interview abroad. ISSS will mail the original DS-2019 and DS-7002 to the Student Intern.