J-1 Exchange Visitor Categories at UCSC

Prospective Exchange Visitors must be invited by a UCSC academic department that will serve as the visitor’s host department. The host department is responsible for choosing the J-1 category for its incoming visitors.

J-1 categories are not the same as UCSC academic appointment titles. When selecting one of the categories below for an incoming visitor, departments should consider the following: 

  • Exchange Visitor’s academic background
  • Exchange Visitor’s immigration history
  • Exchange Visitor’s possibility of repeat visits to the US
  • Exchange Visitor’s anticipated length of stay
  • UCSC program objective

J-1 Research Scholar

An individual primarily conducting research, observing, or consulting in connection with a research project; is also allowed to teach or lecture. Details about the Research Scholar category:

  • Used for UC Santa Cruz appointments of 3 weeks to 5 year in duration
  • Program length not to exceed 5 years
  • Individuals who participate in this category become subject to the 24-month bar on repeat participation after completing their program
  • Individuals may be subject to the Two-Year Home Country Physical Presence Requirement

J-1 Professor

An individual concerned primarily with teaching, lecturing, observing, or consulting; is allowed to conduct research. Details about the Professor category:

  • Used for UC Santa Cruz appointments of 3 weeks to 5 years in duration
  • Program length not to exceed 5 years
  • Individuals who participate in this category becomes subject to the 24-month bar on repeat participation after completing their program
  • Individuals may be subject to the Two-Year Home Country Physical Presence Requirement

J-1 Short Term Scholars

A professor, research scholar, specialist, or person with similar education or accomplishment coming to the U.S. for the purpose of lecturing, observing, consulting, training, or demonstrating special skills. Details about the Short-Term Scholar category:

  • Appropriate for appointments from one day to six months in length
  • The program cannot be extended beyond six months
  • not subject to the 12 or 24-month bar on repeat participation
  • Individuals may be subject to the Two-Year Home Country Physical Presence Requirement

J-1 Student Intern

The J-1 Student Intern program is a structured, full-time internship opportunity for foreign students who are currently enrolled in and pursuing a degree at a post-secondary institution abroad and who are invited to do an internship on campus with a UCSC faculty supervisor. The internship must fulfill the educational objectives of the student’s degree program at their current institution abroad. Student interns may participate in a student internship program for up to 12 months for each foreign degree/major. Wages or other compensation is optional, however, student interns must meet the minimum J-1 Exchange Visitor funding requirements.

Students are responsible for finding their own internships or research opportunities (ISSS is not a placement agency). The internship must consist of work-based learning, rather than ordinary employment or unskilled labor. The internship cannot serve to fill a labor need, nor displace American workers.

  • Program length not to exceed 12 months
  • Individuals who participate in this category become subject to the 12-month bar for future J-1 Research Scholar/Professor categories after completing their program
  • Individuals may be subject to the Two-Year Home Country Physical Presence Requirement

Changing J EV Categories

Changing J categories within the U.S. is usually not permitted. The procedure to change categories is complicated, time-consuming, and must be approved by the Department of State. A change of category may be possible by departing the U.S., obtaining a new DS-2019, and re-entering in the new category. An exception can be made to alternate between a Professor and Research Scholar category. Please consult with an International Scholar Advisor if you are considering changing your program objective.

Last modified: Jun 09, 2023